Nido de Vida: It’s Not a Destination. It’s a Family. It’s a Feeling.

As I sit here trying to put a feeling into words, I’m at a loss. How do I describe the people and place that have impacted my life so much? 

If I could afford to give all of my loved ones the gift I most want them to have, it would be a stay at Nido de Vida.  I wouldn’t be simply gifting them a trip, but rather a life-changing experience that would send them home having been introduced to a new country, culture, language and food, and to a beautiful land fit for National Geographic, but most importantly, to a new family who exudes warmth, positivity, love, and kindness. 

There’s an indescribable sense of comfort, peace, and strength at Nido de Vida.  One that I haven’t found anywhere else I’ve traveled and one that I long for when I’m away and that I look forward to returning to every time I leave. 

As I stood out on my porch this morning and listened to the rain fall, memories of Ecuador and Nido de Vida came flowing through. I’ve spent many rainy days in Ecuador through the years and just the sound of rain takes me back to happy memories of sitting on the couch talking to Doña Julia, lying with Lucia in the hammock chatting and laughing, Lenin trying to teach me how to fish in the tilapia pond (it’s not what you think!), dancing in the kitchen with Don Fidel, laughing with Martha about different foods we eat, and loving on sleepy dogs as puddles formed outside. Not to mention our family style meals filled with laughs and questions about how to say certain words in Spanish and English and sharing stories about our loved ones. 


I thought of “late” nights (9:00!) with Bibi discussing our dreams for Nido de Vida and how blessed we are to have been adopted by the Minga family.  And as much as I’d like to think I’m one of the special ones, they adopt and nurture everyone who comes into Nido de Vida. Everyone is sent off with amazing experiences that will turn into happy memories, rejuvenated by the warmth of their new family, and wishing their stay would last at least one more week. This year’s trip was canceled due to COVID, but until I return, I’ll wait for the next rain to bring back some of my favorite memories and until next time, I’ll reflect on the magic of Nido de Vida and my second family.    

Bibi Al-Ebrahim